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Rouzer Statement on Passage of FY 2023 NDAA

Congressman David Rouzer (NC-07) released the following statement after passage of the Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), annual legislation to authorize funding levels to keep our nation safe: 

"This year's NDAA fully funds our military and provides a well-deserved pay raise for our men and women in uniform.  There are many key provisions in this bill important to North Carolina and to America's readiness at home and abroad.  With threats from adversaries like China, Russia, and Iran continuing to grow – along with Putin's war against the Ukrainian people – Congress has a responsibility to bolster our nation's military readiness to counter and deter ever-evolving threats from around the globe.

"In addition to supporting our military, this year's NDAA also addresses obstacles here at home.  The legislation includes an amendment I cosponsored to expand offshore wind energy in North Carolina out of sight from shore.  As the Russian war on Ukraine and freedom underscores, it is critical for America to be energy dominant in oil and natural gas as well as renewables.  This amendment will help unleash the full potential of American energy production and improve our nation's energy security.

"Additionally, the FY23 NDAA includes an amendment I introduced to better understand the Department of Defense's flood mapping efforts to ensure we have the most complete flood maps ahead of future flooding events."

Highlights of the FY23 NDAA:

  • Reverses President Biden's cuts to our national security by boosting the defense topline by $37 billion to protect America from threats at home and abroad.
  • Provides a 4.6% pay increase for U.S. servicemembers.
  • Counteracts record-high inflation by providing a 2.4 percent bonus to enlisted members, including an additional $500 million for housing allowances to offset the cost of skyrocketing rents, and provides an additional $750 million to reduce the price of food and other necessities at military commissaries.
  • Provides additional resources to help Border Patrol better address the crisis at our southern border, including resources provided to the National Guard.
  • Extends the prohibition of dishonorable discharge for servicemembers who refuse a COVID-19 vaccination.

Rouzer amendments included in the House passed FY23 NDAA:

  • Rouzer co-sponsored amendment to restore the Department of Interior's authority to hold offshore wind lease sales in federal waters off the coasts of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, while leaving the leasing moratorium in place in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico at the request of the Department of Defense (DOD).
  • Rouzer sponsored amendment requiring DOD to provide a report to the House and Senate Armed Services Committees on its flood mapping efforts, how frequently they update their flood maps, what resources they utilize to undertake flood mapping projects, and how those maps are incorporated into broader FEMA flood maps.