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Press Releases

Americans for Tax Reform Support Rouzer’s IRS Bill

On Monday, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) announced their support for Congressman Rouzer’s (NC-7) No Hires for the Delinquent IRS Act (H.R. 1206).  This bill prohibits the hiring of additional IRS employees until the Secretary of the Treasury certifies that no employee of the IRS has a seriously delinquent tax debt.  

“One would think that ‘willfully violating tax law’ would be a disqualifier for government work, especially at the IRS. Guess not,” said Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform.  

“I would like to thank Americans for Tax Reform for supporting this bill.  It’s time we hold the IRS to the same standards to which they hold taxpayers,” said Congressman Rouzer.     
