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Rouzer bill to hold IRS accountable passes committee, heads to House floor

This week, H.R. 1206, the No Hires for the Delinquent IRS Act, authored by Congressman David Rouzer passed the House Committee on Ways and Means where it now heads to the floor of the House of Representatives.  H.R. 1206 incentivizes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to verify and ensure that current employers are paying their taxes.

“When press reports last year revealed that hundreds of IRS employees were not compliant with the requirements they are responsible for enforcing, I was outraged. The No Hires for the Delinquent IRS Act ensures that IRS employees pay their taxes just like everyone else.”

A report conducted by the IRS’ Inspector General found that there are hundreds of employees who have failed to follow IRS guidelines when filing their own tax returns.  The report found that there are at least five IRS employees who intentionally failed to file their taxes.

"Congressman Rouzer’s bill epitomizes the level of accountability we are trying to deliver to the IRS,” said Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady.  “Rouzer’s legislation would require the Treasury Secretary to certify that no IRS employees have serious delinquencies with respect to their own tax obligations. It is the height of hypocrisy that the IRS could have employees who are blatantly ignoring their own tax obligations.”

H.R. 1206 passed the House Ways and Means Committee with a voice vote.  The bill now heads to the floor for consideration by the full House.

To read more about the IRS report, please click here.
