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Rouzer statement on passage of FY2017 NDAA

Congressman David Rouzer released the following statement upon the passage of the Conference Report for Fiscal Year 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, an authorization bill considered by Congress every year to set funding levels for the military to continue its operations and remain a global leader:

“The NDAA conference report passed today ensures our military and service members have the necessary resources to provide for our defense, increase our influence around the world and combat the most immediate threats to our homeland.  The final version of the NDAA provides our troops with a much-needed pay raise, boosts troop numbers and increases our military readiness while making reforms to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Department of Defense.  This package is critical to military installations in North Carolina and our national defense, and I look forward to the president signing it into law.”

The NDAA 2017 Conference Report is the result of months of negotiations between the United States Senate and House of Representatives. 
