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National Security

Rouzer votes for appropriations package to rebuild military and strengthen border

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This week, Congressman David Rouzer voted to approve an appropriations package to authorize funding for our military, veterans, southern border, and other priorities that will contribute to the safety and security of American citizens at home and abroad.  The appropriations package, commonly referred to as the “minibus,” includes appropriations bills for defense, military…

Rouzer statement on passage of FY2018 NDAA

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Congressman David Rouzer released the following statement following the passage of Fiscal Year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act, an authorization bill considered by Congress every year to set funding levels for the military to continue its operations and remain a global leader: “It is the duty of Congress to ensure our military and troops have the necessary funding and…

Rouzer introduces bill to designate Wilmington as 'American World War II City'

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  Congressman David Rouzer (R-NC) re-introduced a bill to designate and recognize the city of Wilmington as the first nationally recognized “American World War II City.”  H.R. 1721 establishes a process to allow the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to designate at least one city in the United States each year with this illustrious title.  These cities will be…

Rouzer statement on POTUS speech

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Congressman Rouzer released the statement below following President Donald J. Trump’s first address to the United States Congress: “President Trump laid out a bold, optimistic vision to get our economy moving and bring jobs back to America by reforming our tax code, investing in our infrastructure, securing our borders, and rolling back harmful regulations stifling small…

Rouzer announces townhall

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Congressman Rouzer will be hosting a townhall on Monday, March 6th to hear constituent concerns and discuss the priorities of the 115th Congress.  All citizens and press of the 7th District are invited to attend.  Details are below: WHAT:  7th District Townhall WHEN:  Monday, March 6, 2017 from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. WHERE:  Brunswick…

Rouzer statement on Trump's travel ban

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Congressman David Rouzer issued the following statement today in response to President Donald J. Trump’s executive actions to prohibit individuals, except for those with green cards, traveling from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the United States for 90 days while also putting a hold on the refugee admission program for 120 days so that the Administration…

Rouzer sworn-in to serve citizens in 115th Congress

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Congressman David Rouzer released the statement below after being sworn-in to serve the citizens of the 7th District into the 115th Congress: “It’s an honor to serve the great people of North Carolina’s 7th District.  With a unified government, we have a rare and historic opportunity to achieve much for the American people.  My focus remains on working to…

House passes Rouzer bill to return money wrongfully withheld from combat-injured veterans

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The House of Representatives passed a bill authored by Congressman David Rouzer yesterday to provide every veteran who has had their severance payments wrongfully taxed the opportunity to recover the payment in full.  H.R. 5015,  the Combat-Injured Veterans Tax Fairness Act of 2016, is estimated to impact nearly 14,000 veterans - including more than 550 veterans from North…

Rouzer statement on passage of FY2017 NDAA

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Congressman David Rouzer released the following statement upon the passage of the Conference Report for Fiscal Year 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, an authorization bill considered by Congress every year to set funding levels for the military to continue its operations and remain a global leader: “The NDAA conference report passed today ensures our military and service…

Rouzer announces deadline for Service Academy nominations

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Today, Congressman David Rouzer (R-NC) announced the deadline of Monday, October 31st for eligible applicants in North Carolina’s 7th Congressional District wishing to apply for a nomination to a United States Service Academy for the 2017 academic year. “It’s an honor to nominate some of the best and brightest students of Southeastern North Carolina to…