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Rouzer statement on passage of DOD appropriations bill

 Congressman David Rouzer released the following statement after the passage of Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Defense Appropriations Bill which designates $674.4 billion in total funding to rebuild our Armed Forces, restore military readiness, and support our troops.  The FY2019 Defense Appropriations Bill boosts funding for our military by $17.1 billion, provides $245.9 billion in increased funding for military readiness programs, and authorizes a 2.6% pay raise for our troops – the largest pay raise in nine years.

“The FY2019 Defense Appropriations Bill is critical to replenishing the necessary funding our military so badly needs to rebuild and combat the many threats to our national interests as well as the homeland.  I remain committed to ensuring that our military has the resources and financial support needed to improve our military capabilities and restore the U.S. Armed Forces to greatness again.  Our men and women in uniform and the country deserve no less.”
