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Rouzer introduces bill to alleviate EPA regulations on manufacturers, save costs for consumers

This week, Congressman David Rouzer introduced the Stop EPA Overregulation of Rural Americans Act (H.R. 694) to reverse a detrimental regulation, introduced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), establishing costly federal standards for the manufacture of residential wood heaters.  This onerous rule will result in substantial production costs effectively driving manufacturers out of the market at a time when demand for wood heaters is increasing.  H.R. 694 seeks to protect consumers, rural residents and small businesses from rising energy costs stemming from this unnecessary regulation.

“Our nation’s businesses cannot continue to compete and grow while being saddled with new regulations,” said Rep. David Rouzer.  “More importantly, the federal government has no business interfering with how wood heaters are made — much less putting in place new regulations that would effectively price them out of the market.  As we head into the winter months, more and more families are using wood heaters to help lower their energy costs during these tough economic times.  I urge my colleagues to support this common-sense bill to protect American individuals, families and businesses from yet another burdensome federal regulation.”

Congressman Rouzer introduced H.R. 694 in the 114th Congress, which passed the House of Representatives by way of H.R. 8, the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act. 
