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Tax Reform

Rep. Rouzer Votes to Repeal Medical Device Tax

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Today, Congressman David Rouzer (NC-7) released the following statement after the House passed the Protect Medical Innovation Act (H.R. 160).    “There is still much work to be done to completely halt and reverse the negative impact of Obamacare on jobs, the economy, and access to quality care.  Repealing the medical device tax is a step in the right…

Americans for Tax Reform Support Rouzers IRS Bill

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On Monday, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) announced their support for Congressman Rouzer’s (NC-7) No Hires for the Delinquent IRS Act (H.R. 1206).  This bill prohibits the hiring of additional IRS employees until the Secretary of the Treasury certifies that no employee of the IRS has a seriously delinquent tax debt.   “One would think that ‘willfully…

Rouzer Votes for Increased Innovation and Investments in the U.S.

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Today, Congressman Rouzer (NC-7) released the following statement after the House passed the American Research and Competitiveness Act (H.R. 880).    “This bill lets innovative companies here in the United States and in Southeastern North Carolina continue to develop new technologies and create high-wage jobs,” said Congressman Rouzer.  "I was a proud…

Op-ed: Time for the Death Tax to R.I.P.

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We are fortunate to have so many successful small businesses and family farms in Southeastern North Carolina.  Many of these businesses have become an extended part of our community as they have been passed down from generation to generation.  But, the longevity of these family owned and operated businesses is threatened by a sluggish economy, onerous rules and regulations, and…

Rouzer Celebrates First 100 Days in Congress

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Congressman David Rouzer (NC-7) released the following statement today marking his first 100 days in Congress. “Our office has been working hard to address the needs of the citizens and communities throughout the 7th Congressional District as well as to help make America, once again, be prosperous at home and strong abroad.  In the first 100 days we have helped 345…

Rouzer Applauds Passage of the Death Tax Repeal Act

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Congressman David Rouzer (NC-7) released the following statement today after the House passed H.R. 1105, the Death Tax Repeal Act. “The death tax is government theft at its worst, and I am proud the House has voted to repeal it.  The Senate should do the same, and quickly.”    ###

Rep. Rouzer Meets with Advisory Councils

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Congressman David Rouzer invited interested citizens from across the 7th Congressional district to participate in advisory council meetings this week.  The advisory councils engaged different sectors within our communities throughout the district including agriculture, small business, veterans/defense, law enforcement/DHS, healthcare, and education.  Meetings were held in…

Rep. Rouzer Votes to Restore Fiscal Sanity in Washington

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Congressman David Rouzer released the following statement today after the House passed the Republican Budget. “I’ve always said it’s not what you make that gets you in trouble, it’s what you spend.  America’s national debt is $18 trillion and climbing.  Washington’s out-of-control spending must end.  If families across North Carolina…

Rouzer Urges the President to Sign Bipartisan Bills

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This week Congress passed three bipartisan bills that face veto threats from President Obama.  On Wednesday the House voted to send the Keystone XL Pipeline project to the President’s desk.  The following day the America Gives More Act of 2015, which encourages charitable giving by permanently extending charitable deductions for contributions of food, passed with…