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Rouzer, Burr, Tillis Announce Beach Renourishment Funding for Carolina and Kure Beaches Approved

– After urging the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to approve funding for New Hanover County beach renourishment, Congressman David Rouzer (R-N.C.), Senator Richard Burr (R-N.C.), and Senator Thom Tills (R-N.C.) announced the approval of funding for the Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (CSDR) project at Carolina Beach and Kure Beach.  

“Southeastern North Carolina’s beaches drive significant job growth and economic activity for our local coastal communities,” said Congressman Rouzer.  “We also count on our coastline as the first line of defense against powerful storms, and consistent beach renourishment projects are key to limiting the financial losses these major storms would otherwise cause.  After urging the Corps to act, I’m pleased unused funds from other projects for the Carolina Beach and Kure Beach renourishment project has been approved.  This is a major win for Carolina and Kure Beaches, and it would be for Wrightsville Beach too if not for a change in how current officials at the Department of Interior are interpreting the Coastal Barrier Resources Act — an interpretation that is preventing sand from being used from Wrightsville Beach's long-time historical borrowing site.  This is not only delaying renourishment but making it that much more costly as well.  In spite of this new obstacle of nonsense, funding will be achieved.  It will just take more time."

“Over the last few years, North Carolina’s beaches and coastlines have been badly hit by several historic, devastating hurricanes and tropical storms,” said Senator Burr.It isn’t enough to merely build back our coastline; we have to do so in a way that helps us weather future storms with less damage. This funding will go toward valuable beach renourishment projects, and represents an investment in our local economies, small businesses, and natural landscapes. I was proud to push for these critical coastal infrastructure projects, which will make a difference for North Carolina’s future.”

“This announcement to reprogram funding for coastal storm damage reduction projects at Carolina and Kure Beach is great news for North Carolina,” said Senator Tillis. “Over the last few years, our coast has been devastated by Hurricanes and Tropical Storms, creating a real need to strengthen and protect our shores against future storms. I am proud to have actively advocated to secure these much-needed resources for the Wilmington region, and I want to thank Senator Burr and Rep. Rouzer for their partnership.”

“This is incredibly good news. Protecting our coastal infrastructure is critical and federal funding is crucial to ensuring we can protect our coastline from storms," said Julia Olson-Boseman, Chair of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners."The costs to nourish beaches is too cumbersome for local governments to bear on their own. I can't thank Congressman Rouzer, Senator Tillis and Senator Burr enough for their tireless work to reprogram federal funding for our projects in Carolina Beach and Kure Beach."


  • In March 2021, Rouzer, Senator Burr, Senator Tillis, and Rep. David Price (D-N.C.), wrote letters to the Army for Civil Works, OMB, and the USACE urging them to approve the Wilmington District’s funding proposal. 

  • In May 2021, Rouzer wrote a letter to the Director of Civil Works at the USACE urging consideration of the unused funding request.  

  • In June 2021, Rouzer questioned Lieutenant General Scott A. Spellmon, Chief of Engineers and Commanding General, USACE during a Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment hearing regarding the funds for the CSDR projects at Wrightsville Beach and Carolina Beach and vicinity. 

  • Throughout Congress, Rouzer, Burr, and Tillis spoke directly with all levels of the Army Corps to encourage the funding of this project.