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House Passes Permanent Repeal of Sustainable Growth Rate

Congressman David Rouzer released the following statement today after the House passed H.R. 2, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015.

“The permanent repeal of the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) ends 17 years of short-term patches that cost the taxpayers $170 billion during that period of time.  Additionally, the uncertainty brought about by these short-term patches coupled with the structure of Medicare's reimbursement formula has forced many doctors to quit taking Medicare patients.      

“I voted for this bi-partisan package because it will result in greater access to quality care for senior citizens on Medicare, provide much needed certainty for our doctors, and achieve the first meaningful entitlement reform in 20 years, which is critical to getting Washington's spending under control.  Under current spending practices dictated by law, Medicare is one of the primary drivers of the national debt.  This spending, left unchecked, will continue to skyrocket without structural changes to the Medicare program.  This bill is a very good first step to tackling the tough challenges we face to preserve and protect Medicare."   
