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An Update on the Energy Crisis & More

Supporting American Energy Independence

The U.S. has enough energy to meet demand at home and support allies abroad.  Under President Trump, we became a net total energy exporter, which made America more prosperous at home and stronger abroad with greater geopolitical leverage over our adversaries including Russia, China, and Iran. 

Unfortunately, that is no longer true because the Biden Administration reversed course and started undermining America’s energy independence immediately upon taking office — never mind the fact that carbon emissions had been reduced dramatically because of the increased access to and use of natural gas in this country.  

His anti-fossil fuel policies are among the key reasons why we are seeing an increase in gas prices at home and our adversaries abroad, including Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, have grown much more emboldened.  Americans are now paying an extra $12 for a tank of gas on average compared to a year ago.  According to AAA, as of Sunday morning the North Carolina average hit $3.88 per gallon for regular unleaded gas.

Here is a brief timeline on some of the actions President Biden has taken against American energy:

  • Jan 21, 2021: Biden cancels the Keystone XL Pipeline.
  • Jan 27, 2021: Biden issues moratorium on new oil and gas on federal land.
  • May 20, 2021: Biden lifts sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2 Pipeline.
  • Feb 20, 2022: Biden halts new oil and gas permits. Oil reaches $100 a barrel.
  • Feb 23, 2022: Biden scrambles to sanction Nord Stream 2 Pipeline.

This week, I joined my colleagues in sending a letter to President Biden demanding he take the following actions TODAY with the stroke of his pen:

  1. End the freeze on all new oil and gas projects
  2. Fast-track pending LNG export permits
  3. Expedite approval of all pipeline and energy development
  4. Stop the regulatory assault on American energy development and financing

These immediate actions would ensure the United States and our allies have access to affordable and secure energy while at the same time take away a source of Putin’s leverage.  There is no reason why America should be subsidizing his invasion of Ukraine, which has now expanded to target civilians, with the purchase of Russian oil.

Meeting with North Carolina Farmers

I enjoyed meeting with farmers representing the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association visiting Washington, D.C. this past week.  We discussed issues impacting North Carolina agriculture including common-sense regulation over our country’s navigable waterways and trade policy.  We also discussed inflation and the impacts of higher fertilizer and production costs on food prices.

This Week's Good News Story

For this week’s good news story, I would like to congratulate Major Bobby Faulk of the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office on his retirement after nearly 30 years serving in law enforcement.  According to Columbus County News, “Faulk started as a road deputy and worked for CCSO for all but a short period when he was with Whiteville Police.”  I join his community and his colleagues in wishing him the best of luck in this next chapter of life.  Thank you for your dedicated service!

Closing Thoughts... 

"We are a nation that has a government – not the other way around.  And that makes us special among the nations of the earth."  – Ronald Reagan