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The Cost of Spending and Welfare When It’s Not Necessary

Dear Friend,

President Biden and Speaker Pelosi’s socialist economic agenda is hurting families and small businesses across the country.  Their policies are incentivizing workers to stay home – leaving many businesses without the support they need to survive.  Excessive spending leads to inflation and we are seeing it in the sky-rocketing prices of goods.  Some of this is due to supply chain disruptions and lack of labor causing major imbalances between the demand for a product and its available supply.  The question is, will it continue?  Many former Obama and Clinton economic officials believe that it may if the government spends too much, and they are warning President Biden and his team of this with their public comments.

Democrats’ unprecedented spending proposals, some of which are already being implemented under the guise of COVID relief, could cripple our economy.  The President and Democrats should keep taxes low, quit paying folks not to work, and get the government out of the way.  Unfortunately, that’s not in their DNA. 

Here are the Nation’s stats today:

  • Inflation is up 4.2%
  • Unemployment rose to 6.1% in April
  • Only 266,000 jobs were added in Aprildespite small businesses reopening and lifting restrictions
  • We’re seeing the largest inflation of consumer goods since 2008
  • Democrats’ proposed infrastructure plan will result in $2 trillion in tax hikes leading to lower wages
  • America is currently $28.3 trillion dollars in debt
  • Gas prices are the highest in 7 years

While it was necessary to spend a significant amount of money to get us through the COVID-19 crisis, we must get this aggressive spending under control to get our economy back on track.  If not, we risk rampant, sustained inflation (a hidden tax on the middle class) where hardworking Americans face a significantly devalued dollar and they’re forced to keep paying more and more for everyday goods.

North Carolina COVID-19 Update

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper recently lifted several COVID-19 restrictions, including all mandatory capacity and gathering limits; all social distancing requirements; and mandatory mask requirements for most indoor and outdoor settings, excluding public transportation, child care, schools, health care settings like hospitals, doctor’s offices and nursing homes; and in other high-risk settings like correctional facilities and homeless shelters.

As of Thursday, May 27, a total of 8,208,453 COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered statewide here in North Carolina.  Currently, 42.7% of North Carolina’s population has been partially vaccinated and 38.4% of the population has been fully vaccinated.  For more statistics on vaccine distribution, visit the NC Department of Health and Human Services’ Dashboard.

For today’s good news story, I would like to honor Isaiah Mananga from Clayton High School for winning the NFL Way to Play High School Award.  The NFL Way to Play High School award recognizes the excellence demonstrated by high school players who exemplify proper technique to make impactful plays.  Isaiah won the award for his impressive tackling technique and scored the Clayton Comets a $1,500 equipment grant.  Congratulations, Isaiah!