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Latest Update from Rep. Rouzer

Updates from Washington

This week, I attended Ukrainian President Zelenskyy's virtual address to Congress. While much has been done to help Ukraine's defenses during Russia’s evil and unprovoked assault, it is not enough.

America and our allies must do more. We must send more weapons, more planes, more missiles — whatever is needed. For if freedom is defeated in Ukraine, where her people will fight eagerly to the very end, it will surely have no safe harbor elsewhere.

I spoke on the House Floor asking for more support for the people of Ukraine to defend themselves and to immediately unleash American energy production.  This is critical so that we in the United States, along with our allies around the world, can have access to affordable and reliable energy.  There is no good reason to allow Putin to use Russian oil and gas as leverage over America or Europe, nor is there any good reason for us to finance his evil assault on Ukraine with oil revenues.  Click here to view my remarks.

Introducing the 'Make Russia Pay Act' 

Russia must pay severe consequences for their invasion of Ukraine.  I was proud to join my colleagues in introducing legislation to disburse seized Russian assets and use them to help Ukrainian refugees, rebuild destroyed infrastructure, and provide defense and humanitarian aid directly to Ukraine and its citizens.  Read more about the bill below.

Fox News: 'Make Russia Pay Act' would empower US Treasury to use seized Russian assets to help Ukraine

Opposing Biden's Iran nuclear deal amid Russia-Ukraine war

A new nuclear agreement with Iran is yet another pot of trouble brewing for the world.  The United States should not be sitting alongside Russia, negotiating on a deal that paves a path to a nuclear weapon for the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, Iran.  This week, I joined my colleagues on the Republican Study Committee to introduce a resolution opposing these disastrous negotiations endangering the United States and our allies.  Read more below.

Fox News: Over 50 House Republicans back Banks' resolution opposing Iran nuclear deal amid Russia-Ukraine war

NC-07 Updates

Introducing Bipartisan Affordable Housing Legislation

Communities in Southeastern North Carolina, like many others around the country, are facing an affordable housing crisis.  This week, I joined my colleague, Congresswoman Alma Adams (NC-12), to introduce common-sense legislation that would enable cities, counties, and states to repurpose unused COVID-19 dollars within the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund to support affordable housing developments. The legislation would incentivize new construction and also help existing homeowners make the necessary repairs to remain in their homes.

The citizens of our communities need the tools necessary to have a safe, affordable place to live. This is a bi-partisan effort to address the access to affordable housing and to strengthen communities across the country during a very difficult time for many. 

Meeting with Wilmington Mayor Bill Saffo

It was great meeting with Wilmington Mayor Bill Saffo and Councilmembers Waddell and Barnett this week in Washington.  We discussed the issues important to the City of Wilmington and how we can work together at all levels of the government on our shared priorities for ILM residents.

This Week's Good News Story

For this week's good news story, I would like to recognize the students of D.C. Virgo in Wilmington, N.C. for their efforts to help the homeless in our community.  According to WWAY, "their class, Project Venture, encourages students to get out in nature, learn adult skill sets, and help the most vulnerable in the region."  It is always inspiring to see young students take an interest in community service, and I thank them for their efforts!

In Honor of My Friend and Colleague from Alaska, Don Young

Few are ever legends in their own time, but Don Young was — and what a difference did he make. No one cared more for the people of Alaska and America than him. 

I will certainly miss my friend.  My heartfelt condolences to his wife, Anne, his family and loved ones, and the great people of Alaska he served so well, all of whom are in my thoughts and prayers. 

Closing Thoughts... 

"Knowledge is, in every country, the surest basis of public happiness." – George Washington