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An Update on the Devastating Attacks in Kabul

Today’s terrorist attacks at the Kabul airport are devastating and mark the deadliest day for our military in Afghanistan in more than a decade.  Let’s all continue to pray for the families of the 12 U.S. servicemembers that lost their lives and those who were injured.

Even in the face of great danger, these brave troops carried out their mission by helping Americans and many Afghan allies and their families get out of harm’s way.  Their selflessness and heroism will not be forgotten.  Our deepest sympathies also go out to the innocent Afghans who were killed or injured in today’s cowardly attack.  Please join me in continuing to pray for the safety of all the American citizens, our troops, and the people of Afghanistan who remain in harm’s way.  
Unfortunately, this outcome was predictable given the way this withdrawal has been conducted.  Relying on the Taliban to keep terrorists away from the airport defies common sense — to say the least.  These terrorist attacks on American citizens, our troops and the people of Afghanistan will continue if President Biden doesn’t take decisive action and reverse course now.  Based on his speech late today to the American people, it is obvious he has no intention of doing that. 
Given the current state of affairs, evacuating the remaining Americans stranded behind enemy lines in Afghanistan is an even more difficult task now.  My colleagues and I will continue to put the pressure on this administration to get every American citizen and Afghan ally evacuated.  This is not a partisan effort.  I can tell you from being in the briefings that Democrats are just as adamant that the President extend the August 31 deadline.   

Many of us in Congress are also calling for Speaker Pelosi to bring the House back into session to pass legislation requiring President Biden to extend the deadline immediately.  (He would have to sign the legislation for it to become law, but passage would at least add another level of pressure to force his hand.)
Veterans that served in Afghanistan need to know their sacrifice over the course of the past twenty years was not in vain.  They kept America safe from another terrorist attack on our homeland.  In light of the terrorist attacks and the tragedy that continues to unfold day by day, there are many veterans who are demoralized and hurt.  If you or a loved one are a veteran and are struggling, please know you are not alone.  You can also call the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 for help.