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Flood Protection, Inflation, and COVID-19 Update

Many communities in North Carolina have experienced devastating inland and coastal flooding due to major storm events during the past few years in particular — most recently in western North Carolina.  These events upend the livelihoods of families, businesses, and even entire communities.  That's why this past week, I co-hosted the bipartisan Water Adaptation to Ensure Regional Success (WATERS) Summit alongside Congressman Greg Murphy, Senator Thom Tillis, and Congressman G.K. Butterfield.  This summit was convened to allow for more collaboration to better protect our communities from flooding.  We brought together federal, state, and local leaders as well as experts from across the state, the country, and the Netherlands, to collaborate on solutions to increase flood protection.  Click here to watch highlights from the summit.  
I look forward to continuing our work on innovative solutions to better protect North Carolina from flood risk.
Hosting a panel at the WATERS Summit.
Real World Impacts of Inflation

You may have seen this past week that President Biden's Chief of Staff stated that the inflation we are experiencing is a "high class" problem.  This could not be further from the truth.  It also goes to show just how out of touch this Administration is with hardworking Americans.  Price increases for literally everything we purchase are having a real-life impact on every single American family.  A recent study estimates inflation is costing families an additional $175 per month on average.  Inflation is hidden taxation, and it hits low income to middle income families the hardest. 

Take a look at how much higher prices are now as compared to just a year ago in the chart below — some of which are very much essential, everyday items.

The White House downplays this crisis at their own political peril.  While they may believe the rising cost of gas prices, electricity bills, used cars, kids' shoes, and groceries are "high class problems," by ignoring the impact of inflation spurred on in large part by unnecessary federal spending they are failing to help American families who will ultimately face the difficult decisions on how to make ends meet.  Passage of another trillion plus dollar Budget Reconciliation Bill will only make inflation that much worse.  The tax increases in their bill combined with inflation will slow the economy substantially next year. 
COVID-19 Update
There were 3,182 new COVID-19 cases reported statewide on Friday and 2,074 individuals are currently hospitalized due to the virus.  More than 11 million doses of the vaccine have been administered in North Carolina as of Monday, October 18.  Currently, 54% of North Carolina’s population has been fully vaccinated.  For more statistics on vaccine distribution, visit the NC Department of Health and Human Services’ Dashboard.
As a reminder, North Carolinians at high risk for serious illness or exposure who have been fully vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for six months or more can now receive a COVID-19 booster shot.  Click here to see if you are eligible.
For this week's good news story, I would like to honor Sampson County veteran Sgt. R. Kenneth Owens for being recognized with the Silver Star.  This award is the third highest military award for valorous actions in combat.  Sgt. Owens previously received the Silver Star for his brave service during the Vietnam War but was never formally presented with the award until now.  Please join me in thanking Sgt. Owens for his heroic actions and selfless service to our country.  This is long overdue!