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NC Congressional Delegation Continues Efforts to Secure Hurricane Florence Recovery Funding

 – Today, North Carolina’s Congressional delegation received Governor Cooper’s disaster funding request as it continues its work to secure additional Hurricane Florence recovery funding from congressional appropriators to assist in rebuilding efforts in areas affected by the storm. The North Carolina Congressional delegation previously secured more than a billion dollars for the state’s long-term recovery in legislation passed in October.

Click HERE to read the letter.

“Hurricane Florence was one of the most devastating storms in our state’s history. The disaster funding request letter, submitted by Governor Roy Cooper today, builds upon our delegation’s bipartisan work to deliver critical resources to help communities still struggling in the aftermath of the storm,” said Congressman Rouzer. “I applaud the state’s efforts and look forward to continuing our work, at all levels of the government, to help our state rebuild stronger than ever.”

“North Carolina suffered wide-spread devastation from Hurricane Florence, causing billions of dollars in damages to communities across our state,” said Senator Tillis. “The effort by Governor Cooper and the North Carolina state government to assess the damages caused by Hurricane Florence and submit a timely disaster funding request compliments the months-long work by the North Carolina Congressional delegation to ensure we receive additional federal relief to recover from this devastating storm.”

“I stand with North Carolina’s Congressional delegation in supporting Governor Cooper’s request for additional disaster relief funding to help our fellow North Carolinians still hurting from Hurricane Florence,” said Senator Burr.“This additional funding is critical for helping our state get back on its feet soon and rebuilding after historic destruction. I look forward to continuing to work with Senator Tillis, Governor Cooper, and our colleagues in the House to ensure North Carolina gets the Federal support it needs.”

“As a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, I greatly appreciate Governor Cooper’s leadership in developing a disaster funding request based on sound data and analysis that will help guide our efforts in Washington,” said Congressman Price. “I look forward to continuing to work with the Governor and my House and Senate delegation colleagues to secure necessary funding for North Carolina’s full recovery.”

“I’ve made it a priority to secure critical funds to help our neighbors impacted by Hurricane Florence and will continue to work in a bipartisan manner with our Governor, our two Senators and our House delegation, said Congressman Hudson.”

“I thank Governor Cooper for his steadfast leadership as our state works to rebuild from Hurricane Florence,” said Congressman G. K. Butterfield  “Today, Governor Cooper provided Congress with a thoughtful and comprehensive request for federal assistance in North Carolina’s Hurricane Florence recovery efforts.  In the waning days of the 115th Congress, I will continue to work with my colleagues in the North Carolina Congressional Delegation to secure vital federal funding needed to help North Carolina recover even stronger than before.”

“Hurricane Florence inflicted billions of dollars in damage, caused catastrophic flooding and upended the lives of families across North Carolina,” said Congressman Holding. “Individuals and businesses hurt by the storm are in need of relief. In October, Congress initially authorized a down payment for disaster relief while we awaited a full assessment of the damage. I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure the Carolinas have the resources needed to rebuild and recover from Hurricane Florence.”

“Hurricane Florence was truly devasting to many families throughout North Carolina, ultimately causing billions of dollars in damage,” said Congresswoman Adams. “I thank Governor Cooper for his leadership during the ongoing recovery efforts and I proudly stand by his funding request, which will ensure that our state has the resources needed to make a full recovery.”
