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The Commitment to America

An alternative path to the progressive agenda we’ve seen from the radical left to defund our police, dismantle our economy in favor of socialism and destroy the institutions that are key to this country.

For today’s update, I’m highlighting the Commitment to America.  This document represents the House Republican agenda to repair and rebuild our communities and return our nation to the values that made this country the greatest nation on earth.  A number of us in the Republican conference have been involved in developing the concepts and agenda items contained in this document — including me.  This is a list of items that we commit to achieving (or in some cases principles we will defend) in the House should we win it back in November.  

It’s also an alternative path to the progressive agenda we’ve seen from the radical left to defund our police, dismantle our economy in favor of socialism and destroy the institutions that are key to this country. 

The agenda has three main objectives of focus.  We will restore our way of liferebuild the greatest economy in history, and renew the American dream.

Specifically, we will:

Restore Our Way of Life. 

  • We will defeat the virus and keep America healthy by:
    • Tripling rapid COVID testing and developing a vaccine that is safe, effective, and available this year
    • Investing in therapeutics and cures, slashing drug prices, and ending surprise medical billing
    • Protecting individuals with pre-existing conditions and expanding access to affordable telemedicine, mental health services, and opioid treatment
    • Modernizing our medical stockpile to prepare for future pandemics
  • We will ensure the safety and security of all communities by:
    • Opposing efforts to defund the police while increasing funding by $1.75 billion for better police training, community policing, and equipment, including 500,000 more body cameras
    • Continuing to rebuild our military, support our troops, secure our border, and enforce our immigration laws
  • We will preserve our freedoms under the Constitution by:
    • Upholding free speech, protecting religious liberty, defending the unborn, and safeguarding the Second Amendment

Rebuild the Greatest Economy in History.

  • We will get America working and add 10 million new good-paying jobs by:
    • Supporting millions of local businesses and their workers with $200 billion in forgivable loans through the Paycheck Protection Program
    • Extending the $2,000 child tax credit and making permanent Opportunity Zone credits that generate $10 billion each year in poor communities
    • Continuing proven pro-growth tax policies that increase take-home pay and encourage innovation
  • We will end our dependence on China and enhance our economic security by:
    • Implementing the China Task Force recommendations to move our supply chain for medicine, protective medical equipment, and technology out of China, increase U.S. manufacturing, and reach more free and fair trade deals
  • We will upgrade and modernize America’s infrastructure by:
    • Bringing high-speed internet to every household in the United States, launching a five-year plan to fix our roads, bridges, and airports, while cutting the permitting process time in half

Renew the American Dream.

  • We will make sure that every child in every neighborhood can attend an excellent school by:
    • Allowing students to go to the school that parents believe is best for them
    • Investing millions in high-quality science, technology, engineering, and math education
  • We will honor the service of our veterans to America and help these heroes better prepare for the workforce by:  
    • Fully funding the VA Choice healthcare program that trusts veterans to choose their own doctor, while expanding GI education benefits so every veteran who wants a job can find one
  • We will support our seniors and the success of every individual who wants to work, now and in the future, by:
    • Promoting opportunities for career and technical education, workforce development, and lifelong learning so more Americans can earn a promotion or pursue a meaningful new career
    • Reaching bipartisan consensus to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare and reduce our debt

The Commitment to America is a vastly different and better way forward than the path of socialism and defunding of the police, which would lead to mob rule nationwide.  

To learn more about the policies outlined above, you can visit