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Rouzer Action Report: Agriculture

The Rouzer Action Report is an update regarding action I’ve taken on some of the most pressing issues facing our country.  This is not a comprehensive listing of all actions, but a few highlights that I thought you would find meaningful.  If this resource is helpful to you, please consider recommending it to a friend.  If someone forwarded this resource to you and you would like to continue receiving updates, you can sign up for this newsletter here.


Since our nation’s founding, agriculture has been a key component of our economy and success.  Agriculture has always been the dominant industry in North Carolina and currently contributes $96 billion to our state’s economy, far outpacing any other industry in economic output.  For generations, North Carolina farm families have fed and clothed the world.  Our nutrient rich soil and moderate climate provide desirable growing conditions to raise crops like cotton, peanuts, soybeans, sweet potatoes, and tobacco among many others.  I'm proud to serve on the House Agriculture Committee and as a Co-Founder of the Congressional Agri-tourism Caucus. 

Rouzer Action

Sponsored Legislation

  • H.R. 5849 – Defense of Environment and Property Act of 2021: This bill ensures no bureaucrat in Washington can dictate what our farm families, small businesses, local governments, and citizens can do on their property after a significant rainfall.  It solidifies the clarity provided by the Trump Administration’s rewrite of the Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule and prevents the EPA from reimposing overly burdensome and unnecessary regulations that would negatively impact our farm families, job creators and communities.

Cosponsored Legislation

  • H.R. 5887 – Keep Food Local and Affordable Act of 2021: This bill freezes the Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR) for H-2A workers at the 2021 level through 2022.  The major increase in the federal required wage rate (published here by the Department of Labor) is a problem for farmers.  Combined with higher input costs and farm production expenses, it makes it that much more difficult for farmers to provide an affordable food supply.  

  • H.R. 3369 – Broadband for Rural America Act: This bill would provide $7 billion for USDA rural connectivity programs.  This sets the stage for significant investment in rural broadband to help end the digital divide and spur economic growth in our small and rural communities.

  • H.R. 895 – Emergency Assistance for Rural Water Systems Act: This legislation provides $1 billion for rural water infrastructure through USDA water and wastewater programs.

  • H.R. 267 – WHIP+ Reauthorization Act: This legislation extends the WHIP+ program for years 2020 and 2021.  This language was included in the end of September Continuing Resolution.

  • H.R. 1712 – Death Tax Repeal Act: This bill would allow farmers, ranchers, and small business owners to expand their operations, invest in their employees, and upgrade their infrastructure and technology, instead of worrying about their loved ones being hit with the estate tax.

Important Votes

  • Voted NAY – H.R. 1603; Farm Workforce Modernization Act: I voted against this bill because it did not address the broken wage rate formula for the H-2A program referenced above.


  • I sent a letter to USDA Secretary Vilsack requesting Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) payments for contract producers who lost contracts as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.

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