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Rouzer Action Report: Transportation & Infrastructure

The Rouzer Action Report is an update regarding action I’ve taken on some of the most pressing issues facing our country.  This is not a comprehensive listing of all actions, but a few highlights that I thought you would find meaningful.  If this resource is helpful to you, please consider recommending it to a friend.  If someone forwarded this resource to you and you would like to continue receiving updates, you can sign up for this newsletter here.

Transportation and Infrastructure

Southeastern North Carolina is a critical hub for our region and the nation.  With an international airport, deep water port, and interstate highways, Southeastern North Carolina is well connected to the rest of the country and the world.  

Our infrastructure is the lifeblood of the district, providing for tens of thousands of jobs in the tourism, trade, and construction industries.  Ensuring that our roads, airports, beaches, and ports remain in top condition is one of my main priorities while serving in Congress.  I’m also proud to serve on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee as well as Ranking Member for a key subcommittee with direct oversight of the Army Corps of Engineers.  This provides a unique opportunity to advocate for district specific priorities such as port expansion and beach re-nourishment. 

Rouzer Action


  • H.R. 4502: I secured funding for multiple infrastructure projects in the 7th Congressional District.  Provided the Senate adopts what the House has passed, this includes funding for: 
    • The Lockwoods Folly maintenance project.
    • Repairs to existing sewer lines affected by ground contamination in Clinton, NC.
    • Black River Wastewater Plant improvements in Dunn, NC.
    • Wilmington Harbor navigation improvements.
    • The Benson sewer treatment facility expansion.
    • Funding was also included for Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach and Kure Beach re-nourishment projects, but will not be needed because the Biden Administration agreed to reallocate used funds from other projects to Carolina Beach and Kure Beach.  (The Wrightsville Beach project has other hurdles to clear before it can received funding because of a change in how a particular environmental law is being interpreted by the Biden Administration.) 


Sponsored Legislation

  • H.R. 2809 – Natural Disaster Recovery Program Act of 2021: This bill authorizes the President to provide disaster assistance to states and Indian tribes for unmet needs, including necessary expenses for activities related to disaster relief, resiliency, long-term recovery, restoration of infrastructure and housing, mitigation, and economic revitalization after a major disaster is declared.
  • H.R. 3218 – Wastewater Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2021: This bill amends the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize certain water pollution control programs.

  • H.R. 5849 – Defense of Environment and Property Act of 2021: This bill redefines “navigable waters,” excluding ephemeral or intermittent streams from federal jurisdiction, and restraining the power the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers hold over American landowners.


  • I led a letter to President Biden with Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Ranking Member Sam Graves opposing the proposed changes to the Trump Administration’s Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule.  126 Members signed on including Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Minority Whip Steve Scalise.

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