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Rouzer Action Report: Economy and Jobs

The Rouzer Action Report is an update regarding action I’ve taken on some of the most pressing issues facing our country.  This is not a comprehensive listing of all actions, but a few highlights that I thought you would find meaningful.  If this resource is helpful to you, please consider recommending it to a friend.  If someone forwarded this resource to you and you would like to continue receiving updates, you can sign up for this newsletter here.

Economy and Jobs

Our nation’s commitment to free market principles and ingenuity over heavy-handed government policies are the reason the U.S. economy is the largest in the world.  It’s also the reason for our high standard of living and quality of life in this country.  Unfortunately, the massive expansion of the welfare state, pandemic policies that were unwisely extended, and excessive mandates have made rising inflation and an ongoing supply chain crisis significantly worse than it otherwise would be.  To preserve the American Dream and retain our standing as the world’s number one economy, Congress must incentivize work and promote policies driving investment — not pay people to quit their jobs or compel them to leave the workforce with vaccine mandates.  

Rouzer Action

Important Votes

  • Voted NAY – H.R. 5376 Socialist Tax and Spending Bill:  I voted against President Biden’s “Build Back Better” legislation that would dramatically worsen the mounting inflation crisis, raise taxes on every citizen, ship economic competitiveness and jobs overseas, promote welfare without work, and drastically expand the size and power of the federal government.  Thankfully, Senator Joe Manchin says he will not vote for this bill, effectively killing it in the Senate.  Provided he holds firm, he just saved the country! 

  • Voted NAY – Senate Amendment to H.R. 3684 (Senate Infrastructure Bill): I voted against the Senate infrastructure bill because it was the green-light for passage of the Build Back Better legislation in the House.  The two were inextricably linked to ensure that both passed.  (In the Senate it was a different calculation: the bet by Republican leadership in that chamber was passage of a separate traditional infrastructure bill would take pressure off of Senators Manchin and Sinema and keep them from supporting the much broader Build Back Better bill.)

Cosponsored Legislation

  • H.J.Res.65 – Congressional Review Act: A resolution to formally disapprove of and nullify President Biden’s vaccine mandate imposed on private U.S. businesses.


  • H.R. 5735 – State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Fiscal Recovery, Infrastructure, and Disaster Relief Flexibility Act: This legislation would allow eligible government entities to spend unspent money provided through the CARES Act and American Rescue Plan Act for pandemic expenses on infrastructure.

  • H.R. 5925 – Supply Chain Emergency Response Act: This legislation would redirect $125 million of unspent, unobligated funding from the CARES Act to help facilitate the moving of cargo vessels holding along the west coast across the Panama Canal to the east coast.

  • H.R. 3266 - Jump-Start the Economy with Jobs Act: This legislation would require individuals receiving unemployment benefits to certify they have not received a job offer from their previous employers.

  • H.R. 3148 – Help Wanted Act: This legislation would reinstate work requirements for unemployment benefits.

  • H.R. 3104 – Get Americans Back to Work Act: This legislation would have ended the unemployment insurance supplement early to get more Americans back into the workforce.

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