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Supporting Our Nation’s Troops, Military Families & Fighting for the Unborn

Strengthening Our Nation’s Defense

This past week, the House passed the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a bill passed by Congress every year to authorize funding levels for the military and pay our men and women in uniform.  With threats from our adversaries like China, Russia, and Iran continuing to grow – along with the complete collapse of Afghanistan – Congress has a responsibility to provide our troops the resources they need to counter the many emerging threats to our homeland.

This year's NDAA bill:

  • Fully funds our military.

  • Provides a pay raise for our men and women in uniform.

  • Holds accountable those responsible for the disastrous withdrawal in Afghanistan. 

  • Prevents Department of Defense funds from being used to aid the Taliban. 

  • Ensures our servicemembers are well equipped to defend our nation now and in the future.

  • Prevents servicemembers from being dishonorably discharged if they refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine.  

There are many key provisions in this bill important to North Carolina, and I look forward to seeing other improvements made during the Conference Committee negotiations with the Senate.

Those worried about potential red flag gun provisions: no need to be.  There is already agreement between the House and Senate leaders writing the Conference Report to strip that language in Conference Committee where the House and Senate work out the differences between the two bills.  A conference report is subject to the filibuster — meaning it must get a super majority of 60 votes in the Senate in order to end debate and move to a final up or down majority vote.

Supporting Our Military Families

I recently introduced legislation to ensure military families who have lost a loved one that served to suicide can receive critical mental health services they need to help guide them through their recovery and — most importantly – help them know they are not alone.

Grief can be extremely isolating, and the families of servicemembers and veterans who have died by suicide should not have to worry about enduring the difficult journey alone.  Congress must ensure that these military families have access to the care and help they deserve.  You can find more information here. 

Fighting for the Unborn

Democrats used to say abortion should be legal but rare.  Well, not anymore.  It’s now an all-out assault on life for any reason that suits them.  I strongly oppose and voted against the extreme abortion bill brought to the House floor this week that allows abortion for any reason, at any stage of pregnancy, even until right before birth.
This bill removes commonsense protections for women and children, overrides most state and federal pro-life laws, and prioritizes the agenda of the abortion industry.  I’m proud to uphold the value of every life and will continue fighting to protect the most vulnerable among us.

For this week's good news story, I would like to recognize Sampson Early College High School and Pender Early College High School for being named National Blue Ribbon Schools for 2021!  These NC-07 schools, along with their great faculty and staff, do an outstanding job of educating students.  Please join me in congratulating them on their achievements.