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President Biden Must Be Held Accountable

Dear Friend,

Americans are still stranded in Afghanistan and President Biden owes the American people answers.  My colleagues and I in the House Republican Conference have consistently acted to hold the Biden Administration accountable for the tragedies associated with President Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.  
The Latest:
I joined Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.) in introducing a resolution condemning and censuring President Biden for his failed leadership in Afghanistan.  Every single tragedy associated with this withdrawal has been self-inflicted.  Never before has America arbitrarily and willingly left American citizens behind.  It’s dishonorable and shameful.

I'm also an original cosponsor of the following two bills:
H.R. 5127 — This legislation mandates additional reporting requirements on the evacuation, any deals with the Taliban, and equipment left behind.  It provides a Sense of Congress that we should not recognize the Taliban, and blocks federal funds from going to the Taliban or providing sanctions relief.
H. Res. 607 — This resolution condemns President Biden’s failure to heed the advice of military and intelligence advisors about the speed and nature of the Taliban offensive, leading to a disorganized, chaotic, and abrupt evacuation of United States personnel and Afghan allies.
House Republican Efforts on Afghanistan:
House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes (R-CA), House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Mike Rogers (R-AL), and Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Michael McCaul (R-TX) sent a joint letter to President Biden asking the Administration to take immediate steps to preserve all records related to the Administration’s withdrawal of U.S. personnel, including diplomatic staff, intelligence personnel, and military forces, as well as those of our allies, from Afghanistan. 
House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Ranking Members Mike Bost (R-IL), Michael McCaul (R-TX), Mike Rogers (R-AL), and veterans serving in the House Republican Conference held a press conference after Democrats blocked a vote to prohibit the president from withdrawing troops until every American is safely home from Afghanistan.
Honoring The Fallen:
I joined Congresswoman Lisa McClain (R-MI) and 158 cosponsors in introducing legislation to posthumously award the Congressional Gold Medal to the 13 U.S. military servicemembers who were killed in Afghanistan.  Even in the face of great danger, these brave troops carried out their mission by helping Americans and many Afghan allies and their families get out of the country.  Their selflessness and heroism shall not be forgotten.
House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) honored the legacy and sacrifice of the 13 fallen U.S. servicemembers.  Click here or on the image below to read about each of these brave heroes.  
Veterans that served in Afghanistan need to know their sacrifice over the course of the past twenty years was not in vain.  They kept America safe from another terrorist attack on our homeland.  If you or a loved one are a veteran and are struggling, please know you are not alone.  Veterans can call the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 and press 1 for help.