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Latest Update from Rep. Rouzer

An Update on the Border

The situation at our southern border is a full-blown catastrophe.  Criminal drug cartels are trafficking enough fentanyl across our southern border to kill every American seven times over.  Every month we are seeing an increase in illegal border crossings and encounters.  Additionally, 42 people on the terror watchlist have been arrested at our border since Biden took office – and that’s only the ones we know about.  Amid all of these alarming statistics – President Biden and Washington Democrats still plan to end Title 42, the last remaining tool we have.

Earlier this past week, I joined my colleagues on the Republican Study Committee in sending a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas questioning his suitability for office and demanding accountability for the Administration's open border catastrophe that is only getting worse by the day.  You can read about our letter here. 

We also held a press conference to speak out against Secretary Mayorkas' dereliction of duty and to warn the Biden Administration that unless they reverse course on their failed border policies, the criminal drug cartels will only continue to get wealthier and stronger.  Meanwhile, those who live there can’t leave their homes without worry about who and what they will encounter on their property.  It is shameful.

Visiting with Students from NC-07 

I had the pleasure of visiting with students from Smithfield-Selma High School during their visit to Washington, D.C.  It was great to see and visit with a wonderful group of high school students and answer their questions.  It was also refreshing to be able to welcome visitors from NC-07 back to the United States Capitol.  If you or someone you know is interested in visiting Washington, D.C., please visit my website here to see how we can help you plan your trip!

This Week's Good News Story

For this week’s good news story, I would like to congratulate Honor Flight of the Cape Fear Area for their recent flight to Washington, D.C.  Honor Flight of the Cape Fear honors WWII, Korea War, and Vietnam War era veterans by taking them on an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C. for a day of remembrance as they visit the memorials and monuments built in honor of their service and sacrifice.  Please join me in thanking these veterans for their service!

Closing Thoughts...

"There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder.” ? Ronald Reagan