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Additional Points on the COVID Relief Package

Here are three bullet points of information to help better explain what is and what is NOT in the two bills that were voted on earlier this week.  One bill was funding of the military and other appropriations accounts that have not been controversial, at least so far.  The other bill consisted of all the other remaining appropriations items that was attached to the COVID relief bill. 

  • Fake news abounds as always, even at Christmas.  There is no pay increase, or cost of living adjustment (COLA), for members of Congress in the package.  In fact, members have not had a cost of living adjustment or any other kind of pay increase since 2009.  This USA Today fact-check of the rumor has more information. 

  • The COVID package of $900 billion was attached to several of the annual appropriations measures forcing a vote on the entire package combined, which included the foreign aid provisions that so many are concerned about.  This memo from the House Appropriations Committee, which I had intended to attach to yesterday’s newsletter, compares the items frequently mentioned in the news with President Trump's budget request to Congress.  These items have nothing to do with the COVID relief.  To put another way, these are all items that are funded annually — long before COVID ever hit the scene.  In this particular case, leadership of the House combined these particular appropriations measures to the $900 billion COVID package.  

  • Here is a full summary, included in yesterday’s newsletter as well, of what was actually included in the COVID-19 relief package.  This includes making all the PPP loans of $150,000 or less automatically forgiven, replenishment of the PPP program for struggling restaurants, bars and all other small businesses, and clarification of the law to ensure that all PPP loan money is tax free.  Had I voted against this package, I would have been voting against a lot of very good provisions that many of us in Congress worked very hard to secure with Secretary Mnuchin, Speaker Pelosi and the Senate.

  • I will not be surprised if Congress adds another $500 billion or so for enhanced stimulus payments next week as a separate bill given the President’s request to bump the payments to $2000 per person and given the two Georgia senate seats are in play.  We return for votes on Monday.      

Hope this helps to clarify some key points.  May you and your family has a safe and merry Christmas!