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Latest Update from Rep. Rouzer

Dear Friend,

Below you will find my thoughts on President Biden’s first year in office, along with a couple updates on my work in Congress.  Please stay tuned for Part 2 of this newsletter where I will discuss the latest on the evolving situation in Ukraine.  Thank you for subscribing, and please consider recommending this resource to a friend. 

President Biden’s First Year 

On January 20th, President Biden’s first year in office came to a close.  Last January we had challenges, for sure.  But one year later, each of those challenges is now in the category of crisis.  Making it worse, there are now a number of significant new problems largely self-created by this administration.    

→ The Inflation & Economic Crisis: Inflation has reached its highest level in 40 years and prices of consumer goods continue to skyrocket.  Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Democrats continued to provide massive stimulus spending under their one party rule despite the fact there was more than $1 trillion appropriated during the Trump Administration that is still unspent.  State governments have so much money they don’t know how to spend it.  Meanwhile, the Fed now has little option but to increase interest rates right at the time we are very likely on the verge of a recession.   

The December jobs report was the worst of Joe Biden’s presidency, and many Americans are facing empty grocery store shelves.  Supply chain experts do not expect these issues to get better any time soon.  When you don’t have enough workers you can’t produce enough product to meet demand.  Nor can you get the product shipped timely.  Time is money.  It costs extra for product to sit idle — whether at a port or in an inland warehouse. 

→ The Crime Crisis: Homicides and crime rates in 2021 were near record highs, with several major cities breaking annual homicide records.  When you go soft on crime, you get more of it.  It is that simple.  The irony is liberal soft on crime policies actually increase firearm ownership as more and more law-abiding citizens purchase guns to protect themselves and their families.  

→ The Border Security Catastrophe: The crisis at our southern border is out of control with criminal cartels flooding the U.S. with dangerous drugs, sex trafficking and who knows what else.  Additionally, a recently leaked video shows how the Biden administration is immediately releasing large numbers of illegal immigrants, mostly men apprehended at our southern border, into our communities.  Another leaked video shows the administration is flying illegal immigrants in the middle of the night to locations across the country.  

Make no mistake, President Biden is turning every state into a border state.  Rather than enforcing our laws, he is facilitating the breaking of them.  I anticipate there will be a massive push for his impeachment in the next Congress under Republican leadership for what is truly a dereliction of duty to protect the American people.  The truth is though, such an effort will go nowhere in the Senate — regardless of which party has the majority.  It requires 2/3 vote of that chamber to remove a President from office who has been impeached by the House.   

→ The Education Crisis: One million children started their school year dealing with sudden closures.  Congress sent billions to state governments and local school districts so they could safely reopen, not close their doors again.  Vaccine mandates and mask mandates are only dividing the country that much more.  

→ The Energy Crisis: If you want to increase gas prices, cutting domestic production is the best way to do it.  (Washington liberals like high gas prices because it makes alternative sources of fuel that much more competitive with fossil fuels.)  That’s exactly what this Administration did and now we are all paying for it at the pump and for other products as well.  This is part of the inflation crisis too.  Just about every product made has petroleum as part of its make, or petroleum is required to run the machines to produce the product, and to ship it.

It’s time to return to policies that provide solutions for the American people.  We have enough problems without the federal government making all of them worse.  

An Update on Beach Renourishment

The Army Corps of Engineers recently announced $11.6 million in funding for the Wrightsville Beach re-nourishment project.  As I have said previously, this funding was not a matter of “if”, but “when”, and I’m glad the Corps has moved quickly to clear the many hurdles necessary to make this funding available.  

This announcement is confirmation of the Corps' commitment to addressing the storm protection needs of Southeastern North Carolina’s local coastal communities, and I thank them for their continued efforts.  Read more about the project here: WECT: Wrightsville Beach to receive $11.6 million federal dollars for beach renourishment

Working to Strengthen the Supply Chain

The ongoing global supply chain crisis is affecting every American through shipping delays and increased costs — and that assumes you can even get the product.  There are a wide-range of factors affecting our supply chain as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and that’s why I’m proud to join my colleagues in launching the bipartisan Congressional Supply Chain Caucus to help identify and drive supply chain solutions. 

From agriculture, to manufacturing, to the technology and other start-ups of tomorrow, all American industries and consumers rely on a robust and timely supply chain.  It is imperative for government policies to help improve — not hinder — the supply chain delivery system.