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On The January 13th Impeachment Vote

All Americans who cherish our republic were shocked and outraged by the assault on our nation’s Capitol last week, but the impeachment of President Trump does nothing to unite this country. It only makes that effort more difficult in the coming weeks and months ahead.
Late this afternoon, the House of Representatives voted to impeach President Trump.  I voted against the resolution to impeach him.

All Americans who cherish our republic were shocked and outraged by the assault on our nation’s Capitol last week, but the impeachment of President Trump today does nothing to unite this country.  It only makes that effort more difficult in the coming weeks and months ahead. 

Today’s impeachment is a knee-jerk reaction grounded in anger and disgust, which are genuine emotions that we all feel.  But those are not legitimate or appropriate reasons to impeach — particularly when there have been no hearings and we still do not know the full set of facts from that day.  This impeachment was rushed through with just hours’ notice, without a single hearing, any investigation, or any testimony.  This is a dangerous precedent to set for future presidencies.  

The House impeached President Trump with the full knowledge that the Senate will not even begin its consideration of the measure until after the start of President-elect Biden’s term.  Congress will be greeting a new President while conducting a trial of the former.  It’s the most divisive way possible to begin a new presidency and a new Congress at a time when healing is needed most.