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Coronavirus Update -- May 15, 2020

Here’s the latest:

  • As I mentioned yesterday, I’ll soon be voting against the Democrats’ $3 trillion, 1,800 page partisan wish list on the House floor later tonight.  If you work, you should be better off than if you don’t work.  This bill violates that basic principle in a major way.  And instead of working with Republicans on prudent COVID-19 relief legislation, Speaker Pelosi has loaded it down with provisions that have nothing to do with the virus.  Here are just a few: 
    • A $25 billion bailout of the Postal Service without any needed reforms
    • A federal takeover of our elections by issuing new mandates on same-day registration and other requirements
    • Sending coronavirus-related stimulus payments to illegal immigrants
    • A bailout for the Democrats’ labor union allies

This bill will be ignored by the Senate, and rightfully so.

  • Head’s up: the National Weather Service expects an enhanced risk of rip currents to develop at our beaches late Friday through Sunday due to the anticipated development of an offshore subtropical cyclone.  Be extra careful in the water and keep an eye on the National Weather Services’ webpage for the latest. 

  • Governor Cooper yesterday shared an update on North Carolina’s key COVID-19 indicators.  The data and trends show that North Carolina remains stable nearly one week into Phase 1

  • The President has launched Operation Warp Speed, a historic effort to bring Coronavirus treatment, vaccines and tests to market in record time. Watch a video from HHS Secretary Azar about the effort here. 

  • The Trump Administration continues to work around the clock to ensure we have a fully stocked national stockpile of PPE, other equipment and the industrial capacity we need to address future challenges.  You can learn more about these efforts here. 
  • The CDC has updated its resource page for community and faith-based organizations on how to mitigate the risks of a COVID-19 outbreak, available here.

For today’s good news story, I’m highlighting the Junior Women’s League of Smithfield, which is installing blessing boxes around Johnston County.  The blessing boxes are stocked with food and other items that families in need can access at any time.  And now, in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, they are more important than ever.  Learn about their work here.

As always, stay tuned to and the NC Department of Health and Human Services’ website for the latest on the outbreak.