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Peak Hurricane Season: What You Need to Know

As we quickly approach peak hurricane season, it’s important to make sure you stay informed.  Below, you will find information you need to be prepared ahead of any storm.  As a reminder, hurricane season lasts through the end of November, with its peak running from mid-August to mid-October.

If you find this information helpful, and would like to continue receiving updates from my office, including important tips to navigate future storms, please sign up for my newsletter

  • Stay Informed: Please follow the advice of your local government officials and monitor your local news.  The National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center offer detailed updates when a major storm may impact North Carolina.  Please make sure you are also staying up to date with N.C. Emergency Management by monitoring their website and Twitter page.

  • Make A Plan: Make a plan for what you and your family will do in an emergency.  Make sure you have an emergency preparedness kit (instructions can be found here) and know how you’ll contact one another to reconnect if separated.  For a step-by-step guide on how to make a plan visit

  • Power Outages: To prepare for a possible power outage, please fully charge your mobile and medical devices and back-up power sources, make an emergency power plan, and test your carbon monoxide detectors.  Please review these guidelines on staying safe following a power outage.


  • Travel Information: Dangerous storms and hurricanes often produce widespread heavy rain, which can result in deadly and destructive flash flooding and long-term river flooding.  Always remember: Turn Around, Don’t Drown! Visit the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s website for live updates on road conditions.

  • FEMA: In severe disasters, FEMA may provide support to individuals and families with temporary housing, counseling and other assistance.  Click here for more information.

  • Insurance Tips:  With hurricane season in full swing, homeowners, renters and business owners should consider purchasing a flood insurance policy now.  It takes 30 days from the date of purchase for a National Flood Insurance Program policy to take effect.  Flooding is the most common natural disaster in the United States, and more than 20% of flood claims come from areas outside high-risk flood zones.  For more information about obtaining flood insurance, please visit


Click here or on the image above for a detailed Hurricane Guide from ReadyNC

Below you will find county-by-county emergency management contact information for those counties in the 7th Congressional District:

It is an honor to represent you in Congress. For more information, please visit my websiteTwitterInstagram, and Facebook pages.