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Latest Update from Rep. Rouzer...

An Update on Ukraine

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine cannot stand.  America and the West must continue to be unequivocal in our condemnation of President Putin’s evil aggression and resolute in our actions to help the Ukrainian people.  The punishment of Putin and his associates must be severe and immediate. 

It is encouraging to see Germany finally get in the game and do what it should as well as all the other member NATO countries.  How inspiring it is to see the Ukrainian people fight so hard for their homeland.  We must do everything possible to get them what they need.  It is regrettable that we have not done more over the past 30 years.    

Putin’s invasion will no doubt lead to consequences here in the United States.  You can anticipate sky-high gas prices and home-heating costs to increase even more with this war.  President Biden must immediately shelve the anti-fossil fuel Green New Deal agenda and reverse all of his anti-American energy policies which have made the United States and Europe even more dependent on Russian oil and natural gas.  This would increase our energy independence and take away a critical source of leverage, power, and funding for Putin’s military aggression. 

Today's price of oil is based not just on supply and demand now, but what the world anticipates supply and demand to be in the future.  If the world knew America was serious about opening up leases on federal lands, in Alaska, and everywhere else possible, along with green-lighting new pipelines, it would help keep the price at the gas pump and natural gas from spiraling so high.

Energy security is national security.  Now, more than ever, it's clear that energy is a critical resource that can tip the balance of influence on the world stage.  America has the natural resources to be the dominant energy power, and we must implement policies allowing us to be in charge of our energy future instead of relying on our adversaries.  I will continue to urge President Biden to abandon his anti-energy policies and restore American energy independence as we had done during the previous administration.

Meeting with Constituents in Columbus County

I enjoyed meeting with constituents in Columbus County recently to discuss issues impacting the area, the country, and the world.  I gave a brief update on the situation in Ukraine and discussed the issues and concerns they raised.  It was a great visit, and I look forward to continuing to work together to address the issues important to our community.  You can read more about my visit in The News Reporter here.

This Week's Good News Story

For this week’s good news story, I would like to recognize the 246th anniversary of the Battle of Moores Creek Bridge.  I attended the ceremony this weekend and am grateful to have had the privilege of honoring the great bravery and resolve of the patriots who fought in that battle.  The Battle of Moores Creek was swift, and it marked the first significant patriot victory of the American Revolution.  The victory resonated in the hearts of their fellow American patriots who would later vote for independence in 1776.  

As we reflect on the courage and bravery of these patriots today, may we all come together to remember the importance of our fundamental rights to life and liberty.  May we never forget the sacrifice of those who fought – as well as all of those who have fought since that day – to preserve the God-given rights granted to us by our Creator.

May God bless and protect all of those fighting for freedom in Ukraine.

Closing Thoughts...

"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government." – Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the Republican Citizens of Washington County, Maryland, March 31, 1809