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The Latest on Ukraine & COVID-19 Update

Dear Friend,

Weakness invites war, and with each passing day you can see history repeating itself.  Russian President Vladimir Putin wants Ukraine and he knows he can get it.  And I doubt he stops there.  His goal has always been to reconstitute the Soviet Union to the degree he can.  Meanwhile, China is licking its chops waiting to take Taiwan.  Japan and our other allies will have some say about that, but the calculation of both our allies like Japan and our enemies like Russia, Iran, North Korea and China is this:  They view America as weak and uninterested. 

The way President Biden pulled out of Afghanistan without regard to longstanding commitments, pulling the rug out from under every Afghan that helped us, and leaving Americans there stranded along with billions of dollars in equipment as well as a state of the art air base, sent a resounding message to the entire world.  Our allies no longer trust us and our enemies no longer fear us.  With the right leadership, we will be back, but a lot of bad can happen in the interim. 

If the U.S. does not impose severe sanctions immediately and proactively deter Putin, he won’t stop with Ukraine.  We, along with our allies, must not be tepid.  In addition to the harshest sanctions possible, we must help with security assistance, intelligence, and lethal aid.

Making it all that much worse, President Biden’s domestic energy policies have had a dramatic negative effect on our strength globally as well.  Biden has shut off energy production in many areas of the country, including critical investments like the Keystone XL Pipeline.  This decision has forced Europe to rely on Russian oil and natural gas instead of U.S. energy exports. 

Additionally, Biden has given the green-light for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which will help to fund Putin’s military aggression, instead of enacting critical sanctions.  Energy is a critical resource that can tip the balance of influence on the world stage, and we have the natural resources to be the dominant energy power.  Because of the significant advances in technology, we can extract oil and natural gas from areas that before could have never been reached.   For the sake of liberty, we should be using every possible tool to our advantage.

COVID-19 Update

Every home in the U.S. is now eligible to order 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests.  Order your tests now at

To place an order, all you need is your name and residential address.  No ID, credit card, or health insurance information is required.  You can also get updates on your order by providing your email address.  For those who have difficulty accessing the internet or need additional support placing an order, you can call 1-800-232-0233 (TTY 1-888-720-7489).

For this weeks good news story, I would like to highlight 22-year-old Carson House from Newton Grove for achieving his dream of owning his own restaurant.  Carson opened the Farmhouse Cafe and Bakery in Newton Grove in 2020 and has cultivated strong support amongst the community he serves.  Even amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Carson has achieved success and made a name for himself through hard work and determination.  Our small businesses are the lifeblood of our communities, and I wish Carson and his restaurant much success.  I hope to stop in sometime soon!