Press Releases
Rep. Rouzer Introduces Bill to Dissolve the Department of Education
Washington, DC,
May 13, 2015
Congressman Rouzer (NC-7) introduced H.R. 2281, the States’ Education Reclamation Act of 2015, which would return control of our student’s education back to state and local leaders. The Department of Education’s budget has ballooned from $14 billion to almost $65.7 billion and the average salary for their employees is $108,571. Meanwhile, the national average salary for public school teachers is $56,103. The States’ Education Reclamation Act of 2015 proposes the responsible elimination of the Department of Education and replaces it with a grant program funded at the 2012 levels. Additionally, this bill retains certain Department programs, like the Federal Pell Grant Program, and would transfer them to more appropriate government agencies. “The States’ Education Reclamation Act of 2015 takes an important step in getting the federal government out of education as much as possible,” said Congressman Rouzer. “I am a firm believer that our local and state education leaders should have maximum flexibility so they can meet the needs of our school systems, parents, teachers, and students. They know more about the needs of our students than any bureaucrat in Washington.” ### |