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The Reality of President Biden’s Infrastructure Package

Dear Friends,

Below is an update on President Biden’s infrastructure announcement, an update from the VA, as well as the latest on COVID-19 vaccination efforts in North Carolina.

The Reality of President Biden’s Infrastructure Package
As a Member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I know firsthand the unique challenges and infrastructure needs our country and citizens currently face.  We all agree that smart infrastructure investments can spur economic growth.  However, government should work for the people — not against them.
This week, President Biden released details regarding his legislative proposal that he proclaims is focused on creating jobs and rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure.  Unfortunately, Biden’s infrastructure bill is not about infrastructure or job-creation.  It’s an avenue for Democrats to implement their radical Green New Deal by raising your taxes.
While the details of Biden’s $2 trillion package are not set in stone, Democrats are on track to include job-killing tax hikes that will harm hard-working Americans and reckless spending initiatives to implement Green New Deal-style policies.  Instead of rebuilding our infrastructure and economy, President Biden’s tax hikes will lower wages, increase our utility bills, drive jobs and businesses overseas, and increase our corporate tax rate higher than Communist China’s.  
A meaningful infrastructure proposal should be targeted and include responsible investments to strengthen our nation’s infrastructure.  It should not be climate or liberal special interest initiatives paid for by raising taxes on hard-working American families.  Only a portion of this $2 trillion package is dedicated to essential infrastructure needs such as roads, bridges, transit, rail, airports, ports and other traditional transportation infrastructure.  President Biden’s enormous approach is not targeted by any stretch of the imagination, and it’s another disappointing example that he is going back on his promise to seek bipartisanship and unify the nation.  As our economy continues to recover from a global pandemic, the last thing we should do is promote trillions of dollars in new spending and job-wrecking policies. 
As Congress crafts infrastructure legislation in the coming weeks, I will continue to press for bipartisan reforms that will streamline and bring common sense to the forefront of any infrastructure proposal.
Stay tuned for more updates…
An Update from the Department of Veterans Affairs
Travel Pay: Eligible Veterans and caregivers, you can now file for travel related to your medical appointments from your PC, tablet or smart phone.  With VA’s launch of the Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System (BTSSS), you can expect fast payments, more convenience, and a new ability to track in-process reimbursement claims. Learn more here.
Adaptive Equipment for Automobiles: Veterans and active duty with a service-connected disability that prevents them from driving an automobile may qualify for a VA program to purchase a specially modified motor vehicle.  VA assists in paying for adaptive equipment, repairs, replacements, and reinstallations for automobile gear. Learn more here.
North Carolina COVID-19 Vaccination Update
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), Governor Cooper, and our local officials are responsible for coordinating the COVID-19 vaccine distribution effort in North Carolina.
You can use this tool from the NCDHHS to find a local COVID-19 vaccine provider near you in North Carolina.  You can also visit Find My Vaccine Group to find your vaccination group.
As of Thursday, April 1st, a total of 4,913,081 doses have been administered statewide here in North Carolina.  Currently, 28.5% of North Carolina’s population has been partially vaccinated and 18.3% of the population has been fully vaccinated.  For more statistics on vaccine distribution, visit the NC Department of Health and Human Services’ Dashboard.
