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Hurricane Resources

Be Prepared

Make A Plan

It is important to secure your home and protect your valuable possessions. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 - November 30. While devastating hurricanes can occur anytime during those months, peak hurricane season is mid-August to late October. Know your nearest shelters, and inform your family of your plans.

Make A Kit

An emergency kit is a container of items your family may need in or after an emergency. Put the kit in a location where everyone in your household can access it. Put enough water, food, and supplies to last three to seven days (don’t forget about your pets!).

Click here for instructions on how to put an emergency kit together.

Stay Informed

In the event of an emergency, it is important to have multiple sources of information and potential alerts. Emergency messages are shared via cell phone services, TV, radio, NOAA, and the internet. Additionally, there are multiple websites with trusted sources of information on such events, including:

Watches vs. Warnings

In order to keep your family safe as a storm threatens your area, it is important to know the difference between watches and warnings. A watch means weather conditions in the area have the potential of becoming dangerous to potentially life-threatening within 48 hours. A warning means severe conditions are imminent within 36 hours.


When preparing for a natural disaster within your area, one of the most important things a homeowner can do is confirm they have a good insurance policy. Be aware that homeowner’s insurance does not cover flood damage, regardless of if you own or rent. Whether you are in a high, low, or moderate risk area, a separate flood insurance policy can be purchased. Policies are available for both residential and commercial buildings as long as the community joins in the National Flood Insurance Program. Remember that new flood insurance policies often require a 30-day waiting period.

For information about the National Flood Insurance Program, call 877-336-2627.


When debating whether to evacuate or stay within your home during an emergency, it is always important to follow the orders of local emergency management officials. As you may not have much time to leave in some incidents, it is always important to have a disaster and evacuation plan in place with your family.  Visit ReadyNC for evacuation routes, evactuation zones, and what to take to a shelter.

Staying Safe at Home

If you choose to remain home or it is instructed by local emergency management officials, you must prepare to be self-sufficient for several days. Some important steps to take in ensuring safety within your home include the following:

  • Never run a generator inside your home or garage. Carbon monoxide fumes can build up and become deadly.
  • During a power outage, do not open your refrigerators or freezers unless absolutely necessary. This could cause cold air to escape, making food thaw more quickly.
  • Cover windows and doors with plywood and shutters. Thick plastic sheeting and duct tape can also be utilized.
  • Bring all of your family members and pets inside.
  • Bring your emergency supply kit with you.
  • Go into an inside room on the first floor with few windows. 
  • Stay informed using the radio or other electronic devices.
  • Bring loose items (tables, chairs, etc.) indoors.